Reading 51


Row 1 – Woman, Bear and Snake.

An important woman in my life is causing conflict.

Row 2 – Sun, Clover and Rider.

News will be arrive shortly ensuring a long patch of good luck.

Row 3 – Stork, Moon and Road.

An event in the form of a proposition concerning business or a lifestyle change.

Column 1 – Woman, Sun and Stork.

An event involving me will be optimistic and successful.

Column 2 – Bear, Clover and Moon.

Something import is extra lucky for me.

Column 3 – Snake, Rider and Road.

I need to keep the news about my short trip quiet.

Diagonal 1 – Woman, Clover and Road.

A trip will turn out well.

Diagonal 2 – Snake, Clover and Stork. 

At an event I should not disclose my full plan (or thoughts) to anyone to ensure luck is guaranteed.


An interesting reading primarily due to the ambivalent nature of the Snake and its positioning. In two of the combinations I think it is telling me to keep my mouth shut and not disclose information as it may hinder me. In the third combination I believe it to mean that I am being deceived. Time will tell if my interpretations are correct.

Otherwise the Clover in the middle of the reading and the presence of the Sun are wonderful indicators of a positive week ahead in particular in relation to a short trip (of which I have zero idea what this may be). News continues to arrive (Rider), as it has all year, and it’s looking to be important (Bear) as is an event that moves things along (Stork).

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