November 2016 Summary

Reading 44 as simple as it was, tapped into something that I have been questioning due to its recent recurrence in the the cards – the Road. The road indicates a change of path and I can honestly say that is the last thing that is on my mind right now. However, what I believe that it may be an indication of is my flipping from this desperate desire for change, which has plagued me all year, to the realisation and acceptance that where I am in life is actually okay and I shouldn’t be in a hurry to change it up. So, perhaps the road is indicating a new path that I am beginning to take psychologically. In terms of the unknown House abroad, it remains unknown, however it is possible the Ship and House were not connected for this week did uncover something about an unknown trip. My BFF and I were planning a trip to New Zealand in January for my birthday and this week she pulled out of it. I am not giving up on going on a holiday because of this, but where and who with remains a mystery.

Reading 45 talked about a woman from abroad (Woman/Mountain). Being a woman from abroad it may have been about me because again it suggested the woman is in the early stages of a change in life direction (Mountain/Child), however it may have been in reference to the director of my company who is also a woman from abroad and who happened to be in town this week. A change of life direction with a Man (Mountain/Child/Man) could be in reference to my immediate boss as there is a big change occurring at work which involves him. So really, I have no idea what it could mean. A House is my house which I have been focusing on improving this week, and a costly friendship (Mouse/Dog)…well that may be the one between my BFF and I at the moment because she is seriously sucking the life out of me as she’s having issues with her boyfriend and that is literally all she ever freaking talks about nowadays. And she’s so negative. It’s taking all my strength to not succumb to the negativity.

Some three weeks later Reading 46 still leaves me wondering how could it be so wrong? Absolutely nothing it predicted came true. As it was a positive reading I still have hopes it’s a slow burner and I’m yet to experience its wonders.

Reading 47  was equally as positive as Reading 46 and it too was not accurate at all. My sentiments in the paragraph above are echoed.

Reading 48 – Strike 3 and you’re out! I will stay where I am (Anchor) was a major bam bow as I lost a long term client where I was based. I certainly did not stay where I was. The sun did not shine on any of my affairs (Sun) and there was no money (Fish), love (Heart) or happiness (Flowers) to be found within a 1000 mile radius of me.